10 random facts about me

At the risk of overindulging, I thought it might be fun to share a little bit more about who is behind Knit Current. I personally always like to read these random fact lists and learn more about a blogger or content creator. While it is a bit scary to make yourself vulnerable by opening up, it offers an opportunity to connect with otherwise only two-dimensional characters. So, here it goes! 

Wearing the Generous Sweater Light, pattern designed by Wiese Knit. © T. Arvanitidis

  1. I am usually pretty committed to a project and rarely have more than one per craft on the go (unless I am traveling and need a smaller one). I struggle with lots of choices and try to limit having to decide.

  2. My making is very ‘selfish’ in that I rarely make anything for other people. I don’t have nearly as much time as I would like to for crafting. Plus with the level of perfection I strive for, it would add a lot of (unnecessary) pressure to my making. 

  3. I love Taylor Swift’s music and was in the top 3% of Spotify listeners in 2023. I particularly like her Reputation album, and any song where she gets political. With a ticket to the Eras tour this summer, I have already started to plan my outfit and plan to sew at least part of it. 

  4. I am a huge foodie. I eat pretty much everything but especially love simple but really high-quality food. Freshly baked sourdough bread with some whipped butter? Oh yes, please! 

  5. While I have reduced my coffee consumption from two cups per day to about one a week and drink a lot more tea nowadays, I still consider myself a coffee drinker over tea drinker. There is just something about the smooth, velvety texture of a Flat White…

  6. I am almost longer abroad than I have lived in Germany. I left Germany when I was 19 and have lived in six different countries since then. 

  7. I have turned into a bit of an astrology nerd and have multiple apps on my phone. (My main placements are Sun: Taurus, Moon: Cancer, Ascendent: Virgo.) It offers me a perspective on life that transcends what we can objectively see, and it gives me some comfort that there is ‘more’ out there.

  8. Writing is a crucial way for me to process experiences and balance anxious thoughts. So, I often journal multiple times a week.

  9. I once won a crate of books after submitting a Christmas story in a contest as a child. 

  10. During New Year’s, I created a vision board for myself for 2024. I put it up in my bedroom where I can see it every day. Things like launching this blog, learning Danish and a solo trip to Japan are already materializing (through lots of work, of course), but it is great to have a visual and a pretty reminder of your goals.


Summer is coming


The joy of knitting with Julia Wilkens