About the Knit Current

What is the Knit Current?

It is a modern knitting blog connecting topics of (social) justice with creativity. The worldwide creative community often discusses feminism, anti-racism, sustainability and a lot more. And rightly so. 

Through the Knit Current, I try to pick up these topics and explore them further. 

You find blog posts that bring together knitting patterns of international designers.

It is important to me, that these patterns represent similar values, like inclusion and representation.

Marginalised groups should not be drowned out here, but be represented. This goes for both readers and makers as well as designers. 

Other articles and interviews explore these and other topics, which come up either in the community or in my mind, and try to give sense to them. 

The Knit Current is still at its beginnings and I am always open for feedback. Please just send me a message via the contact form, an email or DM on Instagram, if you have any question or suggestion - in terms of content, language or design!


Anna - Founder of Stricksinn

And who’s behind the Knit Current?

My name is Anna Gallinat and I’ve always been creative. The thing about social justice and the ‘internationalness‘ came later. 

I grew up in Münster, Germany, where I also learned to knit (from my mum) and to sew (from my grandma). For my studies, I first moved to the Netherlands and Norway, before completing my Masters in London, England. 

Suddenly, I had friends from everywhere in the world and I got familiar with their cultures, habits and daily struggles. And while I found the many similarities, at the same time, I was made aware of the differences, particularly the injustices and disadvantages due to skin colour, ethnicity and similar. 

I am aware about the level of privilege I enjoy as a white woman from Western Europe. 

To make use of my urge to better the world and employ these privileges consciously and for good, I became politically active and work in the international public sector (currently in Copenhagen, Denmark). But my creativity was never sufficiently stimulated, and so I created Stricksinn in 2022 to combine all my passions and personality(ies).

If you are interested to check out my personal knitting, you can have a look here.